(All links are to English-based websites unless otherwise noted)
Great Blogs about Japan (A.K.A Shameless Plug for Friends!)
JET Links
- Shizuoka Chapter of AJET: ShizAJET
- CLAIR (Council of Local Authorities for International Relations)
- CLAIR's Emergencies and Disasters website
- The Internet TESL Journal: a nice all-in-one resource for the ESL/EFL teacher
- Eigo Bento (teaching materials)
- WikiJET (teaching materials)
Life in Japan
- Just Bento and sister site, Just Hungry
- Grant and Scholarship Possibilities in Japan: this link provides some information in English, this link is for a search engine in Japanese. Whether you are interested in going to college in Japan, want to do research on the Ainu, or perhaps want to do a project like an art exhibit, you just might find this interesting
- The Japan Meteorological Agency : for information about earthquakes as they happen and weather warnings
- Fireworks WalkerPlus : listings of fireworks displays all around Japan (Japanese only, only operational in summer)
- Shizuoka Prefectural Website: (in English) (in Japanese)
- Sawayaka Walking : find walking trails and clubs in Japan (website is available in English and Japanese but the Sawayaka Walking section is only in Japanese)
- Japan Healthcare Info (JHI) : a great company for those in Japan who are not adept at the Japanese language. They will make your doctors appointment for you and provide translation services for a fee.
- Yoyo Market : one of many online import shops but this is the best in my opinion (fast, decent prices)
- Japan Blog List: Listings of blogs about Japan.
Japanese Language Learning
- Memrise: memorization system of vocabulary--make your plants grow! (check the website and you'll see what I mean)
- JLPT Boot Camp: provides tips on study methods and resources
- Anki: memorization card system to help you remember vocabulary, kanji, and the whatnot--you can make your own cards!
- Multi-Rad Kanji Search: Search for kanji by radical at Jim Breen's (creator of many great Japanese language learning tools like the Kotoba! app for iphone) great kanji website.
- Kanji Box: iPhone app available.
- Denshi Jisho : Online Japanese dictionary.
More to come!!