It's a secret! But word on the street is there will be a flash mob in Shibuya, Tokyo tomorrow Saturday the 22nd. The flash mob has been arranged to help promote the "Let's Dance Japan" movement, a group of people who oppose the Japanese government's recently strict enforcement of the dance ban in Japanese clubs. Yes, you read correctly, Japan has banned dancing. It's a complicated issue but you can get more information by reading this article at Stonewall AJET. Basically, during WWII the government brought into effect laws which prevented noisy and reckless behaviour in Japan's night-club districts and this included a ban on dancing. Japan's law enforcers have turned a blind eye to this law (largely due to its obvious ridiculousness) but lately, some have noticed that the dance ban is becoming increasingly and strictly enforced. It is thought that the clubs being targeted in particular are those which support the LGBT community.
If you want to participate in the flash mob and support this cause, here is what you need to know...
WHERE: Shibuya Station, Tokyo, near the Hachiko (dog) statue
TIME: 10pm
WHAT: Flash mob-style dance party!
As far as I know there is no choreography, just freestyle dancing. For more details on the event, click the image below...

P.S.: On a side note, apologies for the lack of posting lately. Work has been hectic and much more so than usual. I am contractually required to have one day a week without any lessons scheduled so I can do lesson planning and complete other jobs (I usually use this time for blogging too) but I haven't had a day off to do so for weeks. I will try harder to get back on track. Have a wonderful weekend!
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